Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Contest On The Block

Ebook genre fiction publisher Literary Partners Group, Inc. is sponsoring a NaNoWriMo publishing contest! Submit your 50,000-word novel in the genres of erotic romance, horror, crime, or mystery/thriller to Editorial Director Lori Perkins by December 1, 2011. Our team of editors will evaluate the submissions and choose first place winners, as well as honorable mentions, from each genre for publication by Ravenous Romance or Ravenous Shadows.

Winners will be notified by email by February 1, 2012. Each book chosen will be eligible for standard contract terms, including an advance and competitive royalty rates. The winning books will be published in e-book in 2012, with potential for print publication as well.

Please submit completed novels as word docs with a brief author bio and synopsis to

Best of luck!



  1. Do we have to tell anyone if we actually started the thing before NaNoWriMo started? (not that I'll have it done in time, but it's a good goal...)

  2. Oh goody! Now I have another reason to actually finish this thing!

  3. I notice the submission date is immediately after the end of NaNoWriMo. How will the... well, I guess I'd call it the "draftiness" of the manuscripts be addressed? Will we have time to clean them up later if they place? How concerned is the agency about lack of editing/finalization in the initial judging stage?

  4. Wonderful idea. Can't wait to finish it!
