Thursday, March 29, 2012

Literary Agency and LitPow: Up to Speed.

Hey folks... lots going on here! This post started as a brief hello on Facebook this morning, but it as it turned out, I had lots of catching up to do and lots to say... no surprise to anyone on that later note I'm sure ;). I'm sorry that I haven't been been doing as much social media interacting as I'd like, but with the launch of the new Corvisiero Literary Agency, the new Literary Powerhouse Consulting site and the Growth of my law firm The Corvisiero Law Practice, I've been a little occupied.

At the Agency, we are in the process of creating... a process. Yes, lots to do to get the machine going. My two Jr. Agents, Jordy Albert and Brittany Booker, are fabulous and are working the butts off with reviewing queries, reading manuscripts, pitching clients, etc, etc. We have two new interns Stacy Donaghy and Brittany Howard, who are now actively reading manuscripts and have started to get little 'projects'.

I am busy with coordinating, preparing my current clients to sell, and selling. Many of my clients have submitted new project to me too, so I'm busy reading those. I'm also working with some contacts to bring in more talent to the Agency! And are still considering bringing in more interns, but I'm holding off on that because that is still more work for me (in managing). So if you're wondering why I haven't read your ms or why you haven't heard back yet... now you know. As always clients come first. I have lots of work to do with them before I take on new projects. But you should know that in spite of the crazy schedule, I have been reading every day, here and there, and have put some things aside for serious consideration. Some of you reading this may be very happy, very soon ;) Click here to see the Agency's new Facebook Page.

With Literary Powerhouse, my partner JoAnn Kairys are in the process of converting the site to WordPress. We hope that this will enable the site to better merge with current big social media plugins and be easier use, with hopefully less glitches. The membership to the LitPow Portal will soon be FREE for everyone! Yes, this is a big step, but we decided that we can better build a fabulous network on the site if you can all log in freely, share with your social media platform and connect easier with everyone. Our LitPow Facebook Writer's Network has almost reached 300 people in less than a month! Our goal is to have this network commune happily and enjoy all of the resources LitPow offers as soon as the site is functional again. With membership you will be able to use the Forum, the social media platform, chat, e-mail, blog, etc, etc. Then if you wish, you can upgrade ($) your membership to the Literary Membership to access the resources, and PowerTools beyond the Portal. We know that this will work much better for you, and can't wait to do our weekly Live Chats and Workshops on the site. And yes, members get discounts to the Workshops of course!

By the way don't forget that tomorrow is the last Friday of the month, that means that we are doing the Live YA Chat. Check out the site and the LitPow Facebook Page for the time and place! The live Chats by genre schedule will be posted soon. We are doing them on a weekly basis. First week of the month- Romance Wednesdays. Second Week- Thriller Mondays. Third week- SciFi/Fantasy/Paranormal Thursdays. And the last week- YA Fridays.

Oh and #LitPow and #CorvisieroLaw are both now on Twitter too! So be sure to follow us! :)

So yes, busy busy, as always... and just the way I like it. ;)   I'm very exited about all of this, and hope that you all stick with me... because together are going to make success seem like author's play! oxox



  1. Thank you for keeping us informed. Interaction is very important and you, and your team has/have been doing an awesome job!Marcus M.

  2. Great post, Marisa. You DO sound busy! Best of luck with your new Agency!

  3. Cool...we'll all be able to say, "We knew the queen before she built her empire!" lol

    Seriously, a one-woman shop can only do so much, but your ability to help writers achieve success grows many-fold with the large organization you are creating. Good luck.

    Hmmm, I just realized your "good luck" is our good fortune!

  4. I enjoyed your post and am happily waiting to hear from you about my ms. In the meantime, I've been writing!

  5. Enjoyed reading this post. I'm happily awaiting your response to my YA ms. In the meantime, I'm writing.

  6. You're doing a great job Marisa. Keep pushin'! I'm proud of the work you've accomplished and how you've maintained your class and dignity throughout. You have a gerat young staff and the future is definately yours for the taking!

  7. Sounds like a lot of work ahead. Good to know my agent is busy as hell so when I get you my MS it'll have a ton of support!

    Plus the LitPow site is awesome for content!

  8. I just love how accessible your agency is! It makes it so much easier on writers. Hopefully more agencies take a hint ;)

  9. What a rock star :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great to hear about all the great things happening with your various ventures. I forget who they always said was the hardest working person in show business, but you're giving them a run for their money. Hope spring has sprung where you are like it has down here in NC. Nothing like blooms on the dogwoods to put a smile on your face. Looking forward to hearing from you when you come up for air. All best this week and Happy Easter to you and your family.

  12. It sounds like things are going well! I wish you much luck and success!!!

  13. Good luck, Marisa.

    I'm sending you my novel. Three years of toil. If it steals you, lace your magic and gift it to the publisher's table.


  14. It was an excellent effort made by you through your nice piece of writing, holding the quality and knowledge together for the readers.
